
  • ValueTypeField


fields?: ValueTypeField[]

The ValueTypeField object for the next field, if any.

foreignKeyDomain?: string

If isForeignKey is True, foreignKeyDomain is the type of object, such as Account or Opportunity.

isForeignKey: boolean

True if the field is a foreign key. That means this field is the primary key in a different database table.

isNameField: boolean

True if this value type field is a fullName field, otherwise False.

minOccurs: 0 | 1

1 if this field is required, 0 otherwise.

name: string

The name of this value type field. The name is null for parent fields.

picklistValues: {
    active: boolean;
    defaultValue: boolean;
    label: string;
    value: string;

Type declaration

  • active: boolean
  • defaultValue: boolean
  • label: string
  • value: string
soapType: string

The data type of the field, such as boolean or double.

valueRequired: boolean

Required. Indicates whether this value type field must have a value (true) or can be null (false).