Contains information about the success or failure of the associated deploy() call.

The asynchronous metadata call checkDeployStatus() returns a DeployResult object.


  • DeployResult


canceledBy: null | string
canceledByName: null | string
checkOnly: boolean
completedDate: null | string
createdBy: null | string
createdByName: null | string
createdDate: null | string
details: null | DeployResultDetails
done: boolean
errorMessage: null | string
errorStatusCode: null | string
id: string
ignoreWarnings: boolean
lastModifiedDate: null | string
numberComponentErrors: null | number
numberComponentsDeployed: null | number
numberComponentsTotal: null | number
numberTestErrors: null | number
numberTestsCompleted: null | number
numberTestsTotal: null | number
retrieveResult: RetrieveResult
rollbackOnError: boolean
runTestResult: null | string
runTestsEnabled: boolean
startDate: null | string
stateDetail: null | string
status: DeployStatus
success: boolean