The RunTestsResult object contains this object. It contains information about whether or not the compile of the specified Apex and run of the unit tests was successful.


  • CodeCoverageResult


dmlInfo: CodeLocation[]

For each class or trigger tested, for each portion of code tested, this property contains the DML statement locations, the number of times the code was executed, and the total cumulative time spent in these calls. This can be helpful for performance monitoring.

locationsNotCovered: CodeLocation[]

For each class or trigger tested, if any code is not covered, the line and column of the code not tested, and the number of times the code was executed.

methodInfo: CodeLocation[]

For each class or trigger tested, the method invocation locations, the number of times the code was executed, and the total cumulative time spent in these calls. This can be helpful for performance monitoring.

name: string

The name of the class or trigger covered.

namespace?: string

The namespace that contained the unit tests, if one is specified.

numLocations: number

The total number of code locations.

soqlInfo: CodeLocation[]

For each class or trigger tested, the location of SOQL statements in the code, the number of times this code was executed, and the total cumulative time spent in these calls. This can be helpful for performance monitoring.

type?: string


Do not use. In early, unsupported releases, used to specify class or package.