
  • RetrieveResultFile




archivePath: string

Path of the file in the zip archive; when a single package is retrieved this is the same as packagePath.

componentName: string

Name of the component (e.g. MyClass) to which this file belongs.

componentType: string

Type of the component (e.g. ApexClass)

file?: JSZipObject
metaFilePath?: string

If this file has an associated metadata XML file this is path to that file. Undefined if no meta file exists that matches the source file.

packagePath: string

Package path of the file, if a single package the package path will be the same as archivePath.



  • Extracts the file to the target folder and optionally the meta file.


    • targetFolder: string

      Target folder to extract the file to.

    • Optional options: {
          fileOnly?: boolean;

      Additional options.

      • Optional fileOnly?: boolean

        If true only the file will be extracted, otherwise the full path will be used.

    Returns Promise<void>