apiThe number of milliseconds taken to actively process the job and includes apexProcessingTime, but doesn't include the time the job waited in the queue to be processed or the time required for serialization and deserialization.
The API version that the job was created in.
assignmentThe ID of an assignment rule to run for a Case or a Lead. The assignment rule can be active or inactive. The ID can be retrieved by using the Lightning Platform SOAP API or the Lightning Platform REST API to query the AssignmentRule object. This property is available in API version 49.0 and later.
columnThe column delimiter used for CSV job data. The default value is COMMA
concurrencyFor future use. How the request was processed. Currently only parallel mode is supported. (When other modes are added, the mode will be chosen automatically by the API and will not be user configurable.)
contentThe content type for the job. The only valid value (and the default) is CSV
The URL to use for Upload Job Data requests for this job. Only valid if the job is in Open state.
createdThe ID of the user who created the job.
createdThe date and time in the UTC time zone when the job was created.
errorError message set when job is not completed successfully
externalThe external ID field in the object being updated. Only needed for upsert operations. Field values must also exist in CSV job data. Required for upsert operations
idUnique ID for this job.
BigObjects jobClassic
Bulk API 1.0 jobV2Ingest
Bulk API 2.0 jobOptional
lineThe line ending used for CSV job data, marking the end of a data row. The default is LF
numberThe number of records that were not processed successfully in this job.
This property is of type int in API version 46.0 and earlier.
The number of records already processed.
This property is of type int in API version 46.0 and earlier.
The object type for the data being processed. Use only a single object type per job.
The processing operation for the job
The current state of processing for the job. Values include:
The job has been created, and data can be added to the job.UploadComplete
No new data can be added to this job. You can’t edit or save a closed job.Aborted
The job has been aborted. You can abort a job if you created it or if you have the “Manage Data Integrations” permission.JobComplete
The job was processed by Salesforce.Failed
Some records in the job failed. Job data that was successfully processed isn’t rolled back.Readonly
systemDate and time in the UTC time zone when the job finished.
totalThe number of milliseconds taken to process the job.
The number of milliseconds taken to process triggers and other processes related to the job data. This doesn't include the time used for processing asynchronous and batch Apex operations. If there are no triggers, the value is 0.