Interface for a strategy to determine which components in the packages have changed and need to be deployed. Returns a list of components that have changed which can be used to create a new deployment package.


  • RetrieveDeltaStrategy



compareStrategies: Record<string, CompareStrategy> = ...
logger: Logger
metadataRegistry: MetadataRegistry
defaultXmlStrategy: CompareXmlStrategyType = 'xml'

Determines the default strategy for strict XML parsing. This strategy is used when no specific strategy is defined for a metadata type. This strategy is used for XML files that are not metadata types.

metadataStrategy: Record<string, CompareStrategy | CompareStrategyType> = ...

Represents the metadata strategy for different types of metadata.


  • Parameters

    • a: string | Buffer
    • b: string | Buffer
    • Optional options: {
          arrayMode?: boolean;
          ignoreExtra?: boolean;
          strictOrder?: boolean;
      • Optional arrayMode?: boolean
      • Optional ignoreExtra?: boolean
      • Optional strictOrder?: boolean

    Returns boolean