Contains information about a value type that is useful for developers working with declarative metadata.


  • DescribeValueTypeResult


apiCreatable: boolean

Indicates whether this value type can be created through the createMetadata() call (true) or not (false).

apiDeletable: boolean

Indicates whether this value type can be created through the deleteMetadata() call (true) or not (false).

apiReadable: boolean

Indicates whether this value type can be created through the readMetadata() call (true) or not (false).

apiUpdatable: boolean

Indicates whether this value type can be created through the updateMetadata() call (true) or not (false).

parentField: null | ValueTypeField

Information about the parent of this value type. Parent field information is useful for metadata types that are specified with the parent in their name, such as custom fields, email templates, workflow rules, and reports. For example, the full name of a custom field includes the sObject that contains it (for example, Account.field1__c).

Similarly, the full name of an email template includes the folder where the template is stored (for example, MyFolder/EmailTemplate1).

If the value type has no parent, this field is null.

valueTypeFields: ValueTypeField[]

One or more metadata components and their attributes.