embeddedList of lookup fields that are embedded as part of the object export in the parent datapack.
fieldsOptional object with specific export settings for fields in the object.
fileWhen set the data in the field is exported into a separate file with the specified name. The name can be a string which is evaluated as a template to include values from the datapack:
fileName: "data_{Name}.json"
If no extension is provided the extension is inferred from the field type:
folderThe name of the file to export the object data to. The name can be a string which is evaluated as a template to include values from the dtapaack:
fileName: "account_{Name}"
All exported fields are written to this file in JSON format and '.json' is appended to the file name if no extension is provided.
ignoreList of fields to exclude from the export.
List of fields which uniquely identify the object and are used for matching the object when importing and for generating the external lookup reference.
Type of SObject to export
relatedList of objects that are related to this object and who's data should be included in the export. The key is the name under which related records are exported.
sortList of fields by which to sort the exported data when exporting as a related object.
When true the matching key is auto-generated random number instead of a value based on the object data. autogenerated matching keys only work for none-lookup fields.