Class that stores and manages the configuration for exporting and expanding datapacks. Used by both the DatapackExporter and DatapackExpander to determine how to export and expand datapacks. Configurations can be loaded from a disk or added programmatically to the definition store.


  • DatapackExportDefinitionStore



globalConfig: Partial<DatapackExportDefinition> = {}

Default configuration applied to all SObjects

mergeFields: (keyof DatapackExportDefinition)[] = ...
scopedConfig: Record<string, Record<string, DatapackExportDefinition>> = {}
sobjectConfig: Record<string, DatapackExportDefinition> = {}

Datapack export Configuration keyed by SObject type.


  • Retrieves the DatapackExportDefinition for the specified objectType and scope. If the definition does not exist, it creates a new one and stores it in the configuration store.


    • objectType: string

      The type of the object for which to retrieve the definition.

    • scope: undefined | string

      The scope of the definition. Can be undefined.

    Returns DatapackExportDefinition

    The DatapackExportDefinition for the specified objectType.