A deployment spec contains Datapack specific logic and allows hooking into the deployment process to manipulate what get's deployed and execute post-deployment activation logic.

Implementers can implement any of the specified functions in this interface, all functions are optional and only the implemented functions are executed.

For many standard datapacks spec logic is implemented under the ./deploymentSpecs folder.


  • ContentVersion




contentVersionLookup: ContentVersionLookup
logger: Logger
salesforceService: SalesforceService


  • This hook is called after all records of a datapack are deployed and will only be called once for every datapack in the deployment. Use this hook to execute datapack activation logic. It is comparable to post-step in Vlocity tools and should also execute any activation logic if required.

    Use the getDeployedRecords function to get a list of deployed records for a specific SObject type. This excludes any records that didn't get deployed.

    The type argument passed to getRecords should not be prefixed with a namespace even if the object you try to access has a namespace; see also __type.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Executed just before the records are being deployed; the event contains a readonly array of records. At this stage values for the records can still be manipulated. This hook point should only be used to run logic that depends on all dependencies on individual record level are resolved.

    Note: this runs on record level and use __type to run datapack activation processes.


    Returns Promise<void[]>

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<undefined | {
        ContentDocumentId: string;
        LinkedEntityId: string;
        ShareType: string;
        Visibility: string;