Simple representation of a datapack; maps common values to properties. Source of the datapsck can be accessed through the data property


  • VlocityDatapack



[key: string]: any



#dataProxy: any
data: object & {
    [key: string]: any;

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
datapackType: string
headerFile: string
key: string
projectFolder: string



  • Recursively iterate over this datapack and child objects


    • object: object & {
          [key: string]: any;
      } = ...


    Returns Generator<any, void, unknown>

  • Returns a list of fields in this datapack that are considered global keys. Tries to match the standard GlobalKey__c format as well as group and version global keys.

    Returns string[]

    List of global key fields in this datapack

  • Recursively iterate over the properties of this datapack and it's child objects


    • target: object = ...

      object to iterate over

    Returns Generator<[string, string, any], any, unknown>

  • Iterate over the source keys provided by this datapack

    Returns Generator<{
        VlocityRecordSObjectType: string;
        VlocityRecordSourceKey: string;
    }, void, unknown>

  • Replace the global key on the specified object and all of it's child datapacks. with a new global key. This is useful when you want to clone a datapack. Optionally, you can provide a new global key to use otherwise a new one will be generated in UUID format.


    • object: object

      Datapack to replace global key on

    • keyField: string

      Field name of the global key

    • Optional newGlobalKey: string

      Optional new global key to use

    Returns string

    The new global key

  • Updates the global key of this datapack in-place and all of it's child datapacks. Use with caution as this will change the global key causing the datapack to be re-inserted on the next deployment.


    • Optional fieldName: string

      Field name to use as global key. If not specified, all global key fields are updated.

    Returns void