Activates an OmniScript creating compiled OmniScriptDefinition__c records in Salesforce and sets the script state to active.


  • OmniScriptActivator



definitionGenerator: OmniScriptDefinitionProvider
definitionProvider: OmniScriptDefinitionProvider
logger: Logger
remoteActivationFunction: "%vlocity_namespace%.BusinessProcessController.bulkActivateBP(new List<Id> { '%script_id%' });" = ...

Method that is called to activate a single the script

salesforceService: SalesforceService


  • Activates the specified OmniScript, creates the OmniScriptDefinition__c records in Salesforce and sets the OmniScript to active. Any existing active OmniScriptDefinition__c records will be deleted.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Serializes and split the OmniScript definition into chunks of max 131072 characters to avoid the 131072 character limit of the Salesforce String field.

    The split ensures that chunks will never start or end with a whitespace character as whitespace characters are trimmed when saving the record.


    Returns string[]

    Array of strings containing the serialized OmniScript definition

  • Parameters

    • type: string
    • toolingRecord: {
          FullName: string;
          Id?: string;
          Metadata: any;
      • FullName: string
      • Optional Id?: string
      • Metadata: any

    Returns Promise<{
        errors: string[];
        success: boolean;